
der Justus-Liebig-Schule

Stratoflight-Projekt -

Es ist geglückt: Am 20.07.2023 hob um 9:15 Uhr unser Ballon...

Die Versuchmaterialien auf der Reise.

Der Ballon bei der Explosion.

Die Bergung auf dem Militärgelände.

mit Sonde in den Himmel ab. Er erreichte mit 37.147 m einen neuen Höhenrekord und lieferte spektakuläre Bilder aus der Stratosphäre. Im nächsten Schuljahr werden die gesammelten Daten und Experimente ausgewertet. In der Cloud finden sich erste Bilder und Videos.

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LiO Stratoflight 2.0 - Failure or success?

The Stratoflight project, organised and supervised by Mr. Hartmann, is a project with the objective of launching a probe into the stratosphere and gathering information about it Although there is some general information about this in previous articles, the goal of this article is to give you an insight into how it began and what different classes worked on.

In an interview with Mr. Hartmann, he explained that the idea for this project originally came from another teacher. However, Mr. Hartmann liked the thought of such a project and started working on it almost a decade ago. In 2020, he and then-students of the year 9 classes launched a probe into the stratosphere. It was a complete success. This is probably why they wanted to do it again.

The probe will be aIached to a balloon filled with 4,000 liters of helium gas before take-off. It will rise to a point where the gas inside the balloon has expanded so much that the balloon will burst. The balloon will then descend slowly with the help of a built-in parachute. Wind may cause the balloon to travel a large distance from the school. In 2020, it travelled an astonishing distance of 150km!

The goal of the project is to learn more about the stratosphere through various devices inside the probe. There will be three cameras aIached to the probe to receive visuals. Furthermore, the temperature, height, air pressure, location and velocity of the probe will be measured. AQer its descent, the probe will be picked up by a recovery team consisting of several teachers and students.

During a year of preparation, the students of year 9 have learned about the stratosphere: ist chemical composition, which microorganisms can possibly live in such a habitat, the temperatures and natural conditions. They have learned how to calculate the maximum possible weight of the probe as well as the flight path. They worked together on the design of the probe. The students consider it a great and interesting project and are delighted to be a part of it.

Unfortunately, this time it has been a failure. The balloon ascended without the probe. "The forces pulling on the rope have been too great" Mr. Hartmann stated. Although it was definitely frustrating, Mr. Schmidt, the principal, announced that they would try again this school year.

The new date for the "Stratoflight 2.1", as Mr. Schmidt called it, was scheduled for the 20th July…. which finally turned out to be a great success as can be seen on the school’s website. Written by Sebastian Helm, year 11.